Waterway and Drought

SPI Map for 30-Days period ending

Note: SPI stands for Standardized Precipitation Index, Map denotes US Climate Divisions
The climate-division values are derived from station-based values (from NCEI's GHCN-D dataset) and are not official NCEI divisional values
Map Legend

River levels as of

Location 2022 Height 1-Day Forecast 2-Day Forecast 3-Day Forecast Height - Last Year 2012 Height Mean Height Deviation from Mean (DFM) Mean +/- 1 Std. Dev.
DFM ≤ -5
DFM < 0 and > -5
DFM = 0
DFM > 0 and < 5
DFM ≥ 5
Forecast projections courtesy of the Advanced Hydrological Prediction System.
All units are in feet.